Day 20: Its late and I'm sick so I may not have much to say here. I love shooting my daughter. She has had the camera in her face from day one and she always looks right at it. Makes things easy.... plus she cant run away yet. I shot this with my 50mm prime (like I do most everything else) because I just love it. Its a great lens for $400 bucks and I personally think should be in every Canon owners bag. Its just fun. The fantastic plastic 50mm f/1.8 is also a great lens for a hundred bucks, I'm told. Judging from what Rosina Waszaj does I would say so. She's a great photographer that makes every day life a thoughtful and beautiful photograph. You should check her work out.
Day 20 Details: 50mm set to f/2.8 @ 1/60sec hand held. ISO: 100
Strobist info: 580exII at 1/8 power shot into a 45" white umbrella camera right. Triggered via RadioPopper JRx studios. Silver reflector camera left of the subject. PP done with LR3betaDay 21: Same setup as above, I'm just a little further back and to the right.Yes she's wearing the same outfit and yes I took these the same day. On day 21.. I think. Both of these have low f stops because I want to try to blur as much as I can behind her while still getting the exposure I want. She is not that far away and I cant move her any further forward from it because I am using one light source and I want to light up as much as I can behind her too. If I move her forward I also have to move my flash and then the background will begin to darken. If I increase my flash power then I risk over exposing her. And I am pushing it as it is.
Details: 50mm at f/2.2 @ 1/250sec hand held. ISO:100
Strobist info: 580exII at 1/8 power shot into a 45" white umbrella camera right. Triggered via RadioPopper JRx studios. Silver reflector camera left of the subject.
Setup Shot. Click to see larger.
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